Wow!!! I tot my blog is meant for me to post my silly things...
Nvr expect some comments there...
What a surprise...
Though is name Anonymous, but i guess...
i know who r u...
When one thing is decided to have a conclusion,
let it be so...
who knows there won't be another new chapter??
I've open up a new chapter... and everyday is pack with full load of work..
and... most of the scene in the chapter it's in office..
with my laptop, colleagues, data, and the fucking Ang Mo..
it is hardly to relate the chapter with my own life..
what i wanna gone...
I've lost that kind of the freedom...
I miss my piano playing so so much..
but who can i blame?
it is me who decide that i wanna learn more things..
One cannot be too greedy for everything...
If there's something good on your hand,
surely there'll be a bad on the other hand...
* while writing... i really miss piano paying..
so, i ran down and get a feel of the piano...
it's awesome!!!*
Well, life have to go on...
enjoy what we have today cos nobody knows what is going to happen tml...
Let there be a cheerful day for everyone!!!