Apart from my full time job, I've a part time job..
Hahaha.. Wondering what is my part time job?
It is tour guide in Thailand!! lolz..
Firstly, I'm the tour guide of my family visit in Chiangmai & Chiangrai..
Then, Vincent's family visit to the same place again..
And now, I'm revisiting Maehongson again..
This round, being the tour guide of Chu, Vincent & Fu..
I'm really happy that apart from being an engineer, I found myself loving the work of tour guide..
Yes, it's definitely boring to see the same thing over and over again..
But, with the different group, each time, it is another experience..
It's the last day of the month again..
And it's the last day to update my blog here..
What amazed me is, I've posted a blog in Maehongson during the lonely trip I have 3 months ago with the title "backpacking-is-fun"
As usual with iOS, I can only upload the photos when I have my window's..
Can't wait to post the blog in December..^^
**Photos updated**
Doi Ang Khang, Chiangmai, Thailand - Family Trip 2013
Mae Sai (Golden Triangle), Chiangrai, Thailand - Family Trip 2013
Phu Klon Mud Spa, Maehongson, Thailand