and decode it with my own words
in order to memorized it and play it out well..
Canon in D seems like a very "long breath" music..
everything repeat itself.. Twice!!!
except for the opening..
Now, my way of telling the Canon in D's story are like below:
1.) The 5th (repeat once)
2.) The Stairs (repeat twice)
3.) The Up Swing (repeat twice)
4.) The Conversations (repeat twice)
5.) The Conversations get excited (repeat twice)
6.) The Sweet Moments (repeat twice)
7.) The Bitter Sweet Moments proclaims (repeat twice)
8.) The Bridge being Jump Gently (repeat twice)
9.) The Bridge being Jump Excitedly(repeat twice)
10.) Proclaim the Bridge being Jump Excitedly(repeat twice)
11.) The Uphill Running (repeat twice)
12.) The Peak is reached finally (repeat twice)
13.) It's done (repeat twice)
14.) Proclaiming it's done (repeat twice)
15.) Well, don't miss me so much, it has to be done (repeat twice)
16.) Finally, we had to say goodbye (repeat twice)
phew! that't my story about the Canon in D
Now, listen to the orchestra version below and let me know the way you'll tell it..
And this version is cute and funny.. i like it very much..
Hope you like it too~!
Like you say, this is the song! ^^