Yes! I was very busy when I was just back.
It's indeed a joy that I've finally made my way back home.
Joining this short trip it's indeed a confirmation of my decision was made very wisely.
I was a little worried that I may regret of what my decision was but now,
It's confirmed. =)
A day trip in Sekinchan with my family it's just very short
but nevertheless, it's the most enjoyable ones since years!
I'm a child again in the family.
Playing with my siblings were my memories but now,
I making this a new memory again.
It was my very first time of making such huge soap bubbles
and thank you very much for my beloved sister who capture this moment for me.
I'm indeed blessed to have you guys as my family.
Thank God for preparing the way for me.
=) Your Smile are always great <3