My "little little blue" has finally make its way out of my "little blue"
It wasn't a good thing that it has to get down though, as it has suffers "injuries" from the sun & vibration throughout the many many months.
I accidentally broke the spoiler while taking it down.. T_T
Fine... I glue it back will do... okay, this was my plan..
what out of my plan was how fragile now is it now (after many months of sun bathing i presume)
LOOK!!! part of the rear "eye lens" came off after my fascination to this little car; opening all the doors,
Damn! This is part is small & transparent!
I must get extra careful when putting it back, my heart was screaming

With old newspaper, Super Glue, Toothpicksss,
i finally get it to hold on to the boot securely with most of the super glue sticking on my fingersss
Behold! it has gain back its original rear face

Okay now, it's time for them to get a "family" photo..
**Oh, I just realized that both of them shares the "X" at the end of the Car Plate Number.. haha

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