we have truely enjoyed...
Friday was the most unexpected one...
"The Dining Room" "The Living Room" "The Balcony"..
haha.. that was the most silly things that I ever imagine off..
Glad that you are there to accept my silliness...
Saturday was the most lazy day off the week...
resting and 'lepaking' at home..but there's kind of fun..
as remembering how i 'wasted' time when i was younger..
glad that you called to "The Balcony"...
but i prefer not to "installed" the air-cond at "The Balcony"..
Sunday is a painful yet wonderful day...
People always says, "No Pain, No Gain"
and.. i guess some what true..
therefore, to you, yes.. YOU!!!
Please dun feel bad... It's part of life~! =)
Ciao~! Sweet Dreamzzz...

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